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orchestra™ FROG
Pulse duration and phase retrival with the orchestra™ FROG (Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating),
which combines SHG (second harmonic generation) and TG (transient grating) FROG in one device
with total spectral range from 200 nm to 2 μm.
Wavelength range: 200nm to 2um
TG range: 200nm - 1050nm
SHG range: 700nm - 2um
Shortest pulses: 2 cycles from VIS to IR
High accuracy: 20 attosecond motor step
Long scan range: 200 picosecond
Polarization: s or p
Small footprint: 24.5cm x 10cm
User oriented software for phase retrieval and pulse reconstruction; data compatibility with other software.

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